After the playsilks were complete, I started a scrapbox for the kids to h

We headed into MOMA as soon as they opened. Elizabeth found one of her favorite Matisse paintings in a staircase hallway.
Of course, they needed to pause to read ALL the soup can labels by Warhol.
Paulie enjoyed identifying all the various states on this Jasper Johns painting.
The room containing all Lichtenstein's cartoon drawings was a favorite. They especially liked this painting that they remembered seeing in their Roy Lichtenstein's ABCs book.
Paul enjoying seeing a few photographs by August Sander, his favorite photographer. Paulie declared there were "just a bunch of old people" in those pictures.
After MOMA, we headed out for a bite of lunch before leaving for the airport. We had a few minutes before Uncle Joe would be picking us up so we strolled through Times Square one last time...with Ugly Dolls in tow.
What a fabulous trip to NYC we had! I think the kids definitely enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to their next adventure here!
The afternoon would not have been complete without wandering through the street fair at NYU and picking up some candy apples. Paulie enjoyed his caramel apple, but Elizabeth's candy apple got the best of her. The candy was so hard she couldn't get to the apple underneath!
After checking into the hotel to unload our stuff and take a brief rest, we headed out again. Elizabeth, Karen and I perused the amazing American Girl store, complete with doll salon, mini-wardrobes and a cafe with small chairs to accomodate the American Girl dolls. While we shopped, the guys decided to take in the Top of the Rock (the view from the top of Rockefeller Center).
After posing for a quick picture under the Rockefeller Center flags, we headed off to Times Square and Planet Hollywood. The kids enjoyed pizza and fruit slushies in huge Planet Hollywood souvenir cups.
Picking flowers for siblings...
Making flower necklaces...
Wearing flower crowns...
Flower stick figures...
Reading on the front porch...