Finn has been coloring with crayon rocks since right around his first birthday. I found them online, (of course!)
here. Crayon rocks are made out of soy and colored with natural mineral powder, not to mention they are grown and made in the USA! Apparently, they encourage a tripod grip, which is why preschool teachers and occupational therapists like them. I like the fact I don't have to worry about Finn breaking them the way regular crayons so easily do, and if he eats them, hey, they're just soy!
Finn was coloring with his crayon rocks yesterday when Elizabeth decided to get in on the action. I love watching any of the kids interacting creatively. For a few minutes, squabbling ceases while they encourage each other in their various artistic endea
vors. Not that Finn does much of the squabbling since he only has about 6 words, but watching Elizabeth encourage his coloring, hand him new colors to enhance his creativity and even show him how to draw circles to accompany his many lines, I'm amazed to see how adept they've become at boosting each other's creative confidence.
aww how sweet =)