Elizabeth had her first bike accident the other evening. I was afraid her teeth might be damaged, but fortunately, her upper front teeth aren't in yet so I think all the teeth were unscathed. Her lip was not as lucky and has been quite swollen. She's been quite the trooper though.

The bike accident didn't dampen Elizabeth's excitement over the fiber arts camp she has been attending this week. She busily worked all afternoon on the crochet project she brought home with her. The shop where the camp is being held let her pick out any yarn she wanted to start a project with this morning. In a shop full of wonderful wool, she picked out the only fleece yarn in the whole place. Bright colors and soft squishiness wins out when you're 8, I guess.
The garden has been bursting lately. I just picked a couple of days ago, and there was nothing else even close to picking size. After 2 days of sun and 2 nights of rain, the harvest was plentiful again this afternoon.
In support of Shelley's rainbow week, Finn watercolor painted. I drew some white stars on his paper, and he went on a rainbow hunt in search of them.