Even before we found out that other crazy families like ours existed (via The Creative Family), we were celebrating Kiki's birthday every year. Kiki, Elizabeth's baby blanket that has been attached to her side since birth, is the lone, non-human family member whose birthday we celebrate. Despite the fact that Elizabeth frequently reminds everyone that Kiki was waiting for her when she came out of her mommy's tummy, Kiki turned 6 yesterday. (Don't try to do the math, you'll only get confused.) As birthday's should always be celebrated with a big bash, Elizabeth decorated with scarves as banners and homemade signs and had the video camera waiting to document the merriment.

She even dedicated one of her homemade candles to the occasion. (Kiki needs a candle to blow out, don't ya know!)
Kiki had a homemade party hat, and we made Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes for the occasion.
Elizabeth and Kiki shared a cupcake.
Finn kept saying, "I don't want stirfry; I just want cupcakes." And he finally got his wish.
Kiki received some lovely homemade gifts. I smile just seeing the playsilks used as gift wrap. :)
Likewise, the old cloth diapers/burp cloths gift wrap. (Since we use gift bags instead gift wrap at our house, it doesn't seem odd to our kids that you would use what you have. I love that!)