Thursday, September 16, 2010

::right now::

::guacamole for dinner, again::

::a little boy with a newfound love of hole-punching, and an enduring love of pigs::

::new shoes, 70% off::

::a bag to hold the homemade bread::

::Elizabeth's field trip to the rock quarry::


  1. i can see why that guac keeps making dinner...

  2. yummy dinner, one of my favorites! : )
    great deal on the shoes!

  3. You know I was thinking about guac for dinner last night and woke up this morning craving avocados. Thank you for the idea. Although my hubby did not think avocados were appropriate for breakfast. Sigh. My pregnant belly is going to get them for dinner tonight though ;).

  4. Mmmm, I want guacamole for dinner. :) I have chips somewhere in my pantry ... but no more avocados, sigh.

    I love these photos! They feel so homey and fun.

  5. It sounds so busy-- I was out sick today (and left sick yesterday) so no park for us this week. Looks like the warm weather will hold a bit longer though-- next week!

  6. So much great stuff.
    Loving the guacamole and the shoes.
    and Right Now I think I will make some guac as well :)

  7. I loved your bag to hold the bread. In Portugal it is a tradition to take cloth bags to the bakery to bring the bread back home and it is also where they are kept. Guacamole looks yummy. I should get inspired, Warren loves it.


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