It's a busy time of year with tomorrow starting the December festivities so I'm rolling WIP Wednesday, Ginny's Yarn Along and a mention of our Advent activities all in one post!
First up, my biggest WIP over the last several weeks (ok, my second biggest since Finn's quilt probably qualifies as the biggest) has been Elizabeth's doll bed and linens. I finally finished up her sheets, made from the same vintage sheet that I used for the backing of our picnic blanket.

I decided to stain the unfinished wood bed with watercolor paint and seal it with beeswax. The pink looked really bright when I was painting it, but it settled into the wood grain nicely.
I'm really excited about gifting Elizabeth with this little doll bed. I just think it turned out completely adorable. :)
For my Yarn Along this week, I'm working on a hat for one of my cousins, who has been incessantly begging me to make him a hat. Since I just saw him over Thanksgiving, I told him I'd get on it asap. I'm reading my Christmas in the Family book that I'd lost for so long. (more about that here) I've also been flipping through a new Christmas story book I bought for the kids.
After reading Grace's post on mindfulness at Advent and seeing her Advent list, I was inspired to come up with my own Advent list. A few of our activities are local to our area, but many of them are just geared toward having a few moments of special time during this busy season, like our breakfast of sweet potato biscuits with honey butter for breakfast tomorrow morning to kick off the month of December. I noted the days when Paulie and Philip would be with us so I could plan our most family-oriented activities during those days when we're all together. (And there are 2 days when we'll be completely kid-free, although I'm sure we'll be enjoying some fun seasonal activities on those days as well!)