This week was pretty busy as Finn learned some new works and spent quite a bit of time with the current works on his shelf. He really enjoyed the carabiner clips that I put on his shelf at the beginning of the week. He can clip them together with some effort, but he can't unhook them yet. More work on that to come, I'm sure.

He worked on his new calendar page for the 1st of May.
He also received this new multi-stamp stacker. He stamped the number of stamps to match the numeral in each box.
I think Finn's favorite work of the week was the orange-juice-making practical life work. He sliced the orange in half (with a dullish knife)
Then squeezed the orange on a reamer.
(nibbled a bit of pulp along the way)
And poured the juice/seeds/pulp through a strainer.
Then he was able to enjoy his cup of Finn-made orange juice. How thrilling!
Elizabeth was interested in that work too so she joined us.
When they were finished making orange juice, they asked if they could shell some peanuts that we picked up at the farmer's market.
Finn also planted some basil seeds in a large pot outside our back door and watered them thoroughly. He's been quite the helpful gardener this year.
He started working with a set of sandpaper letters recently too. The only letters in his pile are letters that he already knows the sounds of.
And more than the sandpaper, he enjoys using them as a movable alphabet.
His favorite word combination is f-a-t, which cracks him up every time.
What a busy week!
For more Montessori Monday activities, visit One Hook Wonder.
Haha - I can almost hear him giggling over "fat." Short Pants at one point spelled out "pens" - and he did NOT means pens!!! Thanks for linking up to Montessori Monday. :)