My Yarn Along knits for this week are not much different from last week. With the Thanksgiving holiday and family in town to celebrate, I didn't get as much knitting (or reading) done as usual, although I'm certainly not complaining. :)

I did receive a new book from my brother and his wife while they were in town. Although I enjoy cooking elaborate meals from scratch, it's nice to have some simple one-dish meals in the repertoire. I'm planning to try one of the recipes this evening, actually.

Even though the Yarn Along knitting looks largely the same, I have gotten quite a bit done. I'm on the last sleeve of this little baby sweater. Hopefully I'll be able to finish the stitching over the next 2 days so I can gift this sweet sweater over the weekend.

I'm also on the home stretch of Finn's stocking-stuffer socks. I've turned the heel on the second sock, and I'm halfway down the foot.

I have to say that I'm very happy with where I am on the Christmas knitting so far. I can always add more to the list, but I've accomplished more than I had this time last year. I should take a picture of the whole pile of Christmas knitting when I'm finished. I imagine that I would be surprised to see exactly how much I have accomplished when all of the handmade gifts are piled together. How is your holiday crafting coming along?