I can't say that Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday. I much prefer more obscure holidays like Candlemas or holidays with huge sentimental attachment like Thanksgiving and Christmas. It seems to me like Valentine's Day has become a Hallmark holiday with lots of trash and way too much sugar. I'd rather pick a random Tuesday to celebrate love with my family than Valentine's. BUT, children have expectations. So I try to make the day a little special, full of hearts and maybe even a wee amount of sugar.

This year, we hung the watercolor paper heart garland from years past. And I made some quick little treats for the kids to enjoy before school: raspberries with a tiny nibble of white chocolate stuff inside.

Finn and I worked on these felted hearts. Well, actually I made the hearts, and he chose the branch and hung the hearts for me. A simple little project that just makes the kitchen table a bit more festive.

I also shaped a few little hearts with modeling wax and stuck them to a candle someone dipped a while back. (Not sure who? I just found it in the drawer. I love random little finds like that.) I even splurged on a few Lake Champlain dark chocolate hearts and Divine white chocolate strawberry hearts for our after dinner dessert.

Do you have anything special going on at your house for Valentine's Day?
The felted heart tree is pretty cute! I have an actual date with my husband later, woohoo!