Friday, November 30, 2012

{this moment} - building the nativity

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. See Soulemama to play along.

(Our nativity set is the old style Haba Nativity set that I bought many years ago.  I can't find it anywhere on the internet anymore, but this set on Amazon is strikingly similar.)


  1. A very beautiful moment, indeed! As a child I have loved having a nativity I could play with... though I lost many Baby Jesus's over the years! Our moment happened the morning after Papa's 1st time working the nightshift:

  2. Oh how sweet! We don't have a child's nativity, but I think one is in order!
    Our moment:

  3. What a great nativity hands on and not the fancy look but don't touch kind. Have a great weekend!

  4. Hi Joy, I recently stumbled upon your blog and am so happy I did! You are a great inspiration to me. I have just begun the homeschooling journey and we are also a huge art family. I have been intrigued with the Waldorf way but I am a devout Christian so have really been having trouble deciding how to incorporate both. You are the fist one I have found that practices both the Waldorf festivals with also celebrating the Christian holidays. I love it! Do you have any advice on how to go about that? I am having a hard time finding a HS curriculum that fits this mold. Thanks in advance! :)

    1. Thanks, Mandy! I'm sure that the more you look you'll find that there are actually quite a few families who blend Christian beliefs with Waldorf tradition. I've found that to be more common with Catholics, but occasionally with Protestants as well. My best advice would be to find a homeschool method that resonates with you, Christian, Charlotte Mason, Waldorf, whichever, and then blend whatever extras feel right into your curriculum. That's the beauty of homeschooling. You can make into the education you want for your family. I'm actually not homeschooling right now. (I happen to love the arts based charter school in our area.) But we obviously supplement Waldorf, and Christian, for that matter, education into what our kids receive. Good luck on your journey!

  5. So sweet! Wishing you lots of peace in this busy season!


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